Junior or Senior interested in the military
District 214 is offering the The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).
The ASVAB is a free test that helps you identify your career interests and work related values. ASVAB scores are used to determine if you are qualified to enlist in the military and to assign you to an appropriate job in the military.
ASVAB Test Registration (November 27 - December 7)
When: Wednesday, December 15, 2023
8:30 AM – approximately 11:30 AM
(This test is computer-based and self-paced. The test takes an average of 1.5 hours to test, but students will be allowed a max of 3 hours. Students should report back to school after testing.)
Where: Wheeling High School, 900 S. Elmhurst Rd, Wheeling, IL 60090