

    TDP Magazine

    The TDP Magazine is published each winter and spring and offers information on the summer enrichment series, AP testing schedules, upcoming college and career readiness events and more. Click on the magazine cover on the right to download and view the latest edition.

    Click here or on the top magazine on the right to download and view the latest edition - Fall 2024.

    TDP Student Leadership Committee

    The TDP Leadership Committee is a student-led board composed of one junior and one senior class member from each District 214 high school. Students meet throughout the year with the TDP coordinators to provide a student perspective in TDP programming. Members are selected by building administration based on their success in various AP/Dual Credit classes and demonstrated leadership skills.

    TDP Summer Enrichment Series

    Summer Enrichment Courses will be hosted in June and July 2025. Please see the  Summer Experience Website for more details. These classes are opportunities for students to explore various non-credit, week-long programs taught by our faculty and staff. The programs are unique to District 214 and continue our commitment to expand opportunities for high-achieving, highly motivated students in support of their academic, social, emotional and career development needs. Examples of courses include exploring astronomy and learning about the excitement of cooking in a reality-style environment. Additionally, there is a unique program for incoming first-year students, Becoming an iStudent, where a student will receive their iPad early and master the apps and programs needed during high school. 

    AP Ready Night

    AP Ready! Night is targeted to first-time AP students and their parent(s)/guardian(s).

    The event will be held on:

    Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
    7pm - 8:30am
    Forest View Educational Center (2121 South Goebbert Road, Arlington Heights - Enter Door 34)

    The purpose of this evening is to highlight the advantages of enrolling in a rigorous course load and the role of Advanced Placement classes in the college admissions process. AP teachers will offer informational sessions about getting AP Ready! District 214’s Dual Credit classes will also be highlighted as options for achieving early college credit. This evening will provide valuable information to help students maximize academic success during their years in District 214.