• During the 2023-2024 school year, High School District 214 will continue the process of developing an implementation plan focused on aspects of equity in a public school system.  From athletics and fine arts to academics and career pathways, as well as school culture and climate, elements of the high school experience could potentially be enhanced to provide additional access and opportunities for all students.   

    Led by the District Equity Advisory Council, the Council will review information gathered from the Equity Audit conducted during the 2021-2022 school year as well as other source materials and information shared by parents, students, staff and the larger community on issues related to these topics and the experiences of students and staff in High School District 214. 

    The Equity Audit focused on five areas including systems; teaching and learning; student voice, climate, and culture; professional learning; and family and community as agency. The findings and recommendations (click here) are one element that will inform the overall development of the implementation plan under development during the 2022-2023 school year. 

    For general questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this work, please reach out to the District’s Director for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tony Bradburn at tony.bradburn@d214.org.