
  • (ref. Board Policy Section 7:70)
    The Board of Education authorizes the administration to develop and enforce procedures, which ensure regular student attendance and accurate accounting for student absences. Attendance at school is required by state law. Being in the classroom, doing the assigned work, and contributing to the class, all on a regular basis are important to success in school. Only in the classroom can the student take full advantage of fellow classmates’ ideas, the teacher’s explanations, and other material that enriches the class.

    Please refer to the JHHS Student Handbook for detailed information on attendance along with discipline policies and procedures.

Attendance Office

  • Attendance Office Hours

    6:30am to 3:45pm Monday through Friday 
    A 24-hour answering machine is also availble. Please leave your student's name, ID number, date, and reason for the absence. 

    Comments (-1)
