Student Services
The mission of the JHHS Student Services Department is aligned with the District mission to help all students learn the skills, acquire the knowledge, and develop the behaviors necessary for them to reach their full potential as citizens who can meet the challenges of a changing society. The Student Services Staff work as collaborative partners with parents, teachers, administrators, and the community to promote positive self development, academic achievement, social responsibility, and life-long learning.
The Student Services Department provides guidance services and interventions which focus on meeting the academic, personal/social, and college/career needs of all students.

Meet the Team
Counselors assist students in their academic development and educational planning in a variety of ways including course selection, scheduling, assessing interests and abilities, and consulting with parents and teachers to see how students are progressing in their classes. Counselors also coordinate ongoing systematic activities designed to assist students individually in establishing personal goals and developing future plans.
Counselors will assist students in exploring a wide variety of post secondary options. Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions. Counselors will also help students understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training and the world of work. The College and Career Room offers many resources and opportunities for students to explore post secondary options.
Counselors are also available to assist students with any personal or social concerns that may be affecting their learning.
Robin Bialeschki
847-718-4854Stacey Bowen
847-718-4863Christopher Chiakulas
Post-secondary Counselor
847-718-4846Jaclyn Deppen
847-718-4856Shirley Flickinger
847-718-4885David Galarza
847-718-4853David Hess
847-718-4857Sasa Mo
847-718-4860Meaghan Waller
847-718-4872 -
A school psychologist provides support to students, parents, and teachers through evaluation, consultation, and counseling. School psychologists use data to inform each of these processes. Psychologists are available to assist students with any personal or social concerns that may be affecting their learning. Individual and group counseling services are provided for students requiring additional direction. Group counseling allows the students a safe environment to explore their concerns with other students experiencing similar issues. Psychologists also make appropriate referrals to outside community agencies for students in need of additional services.
Christina Dawson
School Psychologist
847-718-4807Sara Rubin
School Psychologist
847-718-5074Marie Mbi
School Psychologist
847-718-4816 -
Related Services
Mindy Joyce
847-718-4946Sarah Kissane
Health Supervisor (Nurse)
Amy Sarna
Speech Pathologist
Mark Johanson
Police Liaison
Kevin Schrammel
Special Education Division Head
847-718-4886 -
Social Workers
Social Workers are available to assist students with any personal or social concerns that may be affecting their learning. Individual and group counseling services are provided for students requiring additional direction. Group counseling allows the students a safe environment to explore their concerns with other students experiencing similar issues. Social Workers also make appropriate referrals to outside community agencies for students in need of additional services. Social Workers will help students acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills necessary for positive self development and academic success.
Jeff Bondora
Social Worker
847-718-4858Celia Deleon
Social Worker
847-718-4859Samantha Pliszka
Social Worker
Other Resources
Driver's Education Verification
For information about Driver's Education Verification please contact the school registrar, Carole Schwichtenber
847-718-4964 -
Free & Reduced Lunch Application
For more information about the free & reduced lunch program and application, please contact the main office.
Pamela Gunther
847-718-4813 -
Off Campus Lunch Privileges
For more information about off-campus lunch, please contact Mr. Norris, Mrs. Korakakis or Mrs. Madi.
Transcript Requests
Of all the factors considered in the college application process, the high school transcript is the one that carries the most weight. Each college determines the way in which they want to receive your transcript.
Mid-Year Transcripts
Please watch THIS VIDEO (<10 minutes) that goes over the full procedure for determining how to find out if you need a mid-year transcript or not, as well as how to order one through Parchment.
Please review these written directions as well for more details.
How to Sent Your Transcript
--> REVIEW THIS CHART FOR AN EASY WAY TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SEND YOUR TRANSCRIPTS! (One note: Illinois State DOES require a transcript if you are applying test-optional.)
--> Also, view THESE SLIDES for a quick overview of the complete transcript process.<--
Colleges require your transcript courses and grades in one of the following ways:
- If you apply via the Common App or Coalition App, your counselor will upload your official transcript into the application after you invite them by listing their (correct!) email address in the application.
- Self-Reported: Some colleges do not require an official transcript but instead require the student to enter every course and grade from their transcript into the college application. (TIP: Find your transcript in your Infinite Campus account. See below!)
- Parchment: For all other transcript requests, students will request that their transcript be sent through Parchment. This includes requests for Mid-Year/7th semester transcripts (even if initially sent another way) if required and all FINAL transcripts.
Parchment Instructions
Information on how to create your Parchment accounts was sent to you in early September. You can refer back to this information afterward.
CLICK HERE to access slides on transcripts and Creating a Parchment Account.
Scholarships: If you need a transcript to be emailed or snail-mailed to a scholarship organization, click HERE for instructions.
- Quick bytes: Learner Account Creation
- Quick Byte: How to order transcripts
- Quick bytes: How Learners can add or edit their email addresses on their account
Parchment Transcript orders will not be sent out until AFTER Labor Day. Any issues with your Parchment account must be directed to our registrar, Mrs. Schwichtenberg at .
How to Print Your Unofficial Transcript
Unofficial transcripts are often accepted for scholarships and admission at some colleges.
To access your unofficial transcript:
- Log into your IC account (using the link in Quick Links (not the app).
- Select “Print Transcript” on bottom left of screen.
Types of Transcripts
- Initial Transcript: Transcript with grades for all semesters completed when you apply (usually through junior year if you apply in fall of senior year).
- Mid-Year Transcript: Transcript with first-semester senior year grades. (Sent per request ONLY via Parchment, usually in mid-January.)
- Final Transcript: Transcript with all senior year grades and proof of graduation. (Sent per request ONLY via Parchment, usually in mid-June.)
- Unofficial Transcript: Transcript that a student can download and send on their own. This is not sent from a school official but is still accepted for scholarships and some college admissions.
Work Permit Application
To attain a work permit, please contact the main office.
Pamela Gunther
Tina Athanasopoulos
Associate Principal
847-718-4812 -
Carol Youngs
Student Services Administrative Assistant
847-718-4822 -
Rose Ann Cwidak
Master Scheduler
847-718-4876 -
Carole Schwichtenberg
847-718-4964 -
Shannon Anne
College & Career Asst.