Academic Tutoring Information
- Tutoring will be available in person in the ARC (Academic Resource Center)
-Peer Tutors are available from 7:20-3:10 Monday thru Friday.
-Teacher Tutors are available from 8:20-3:10 Monday thru Friday.
We have 100+ Peer Tutors available to help with all levels of Math, Science, and most levels of Foreign Language, Social Studies and English. All of our tutors go through an extensive training process in order to be prepared to provide the students at Hersey with the best possible academic support.
We also have Teacher Tutors available all periods of the day in all subject areas available to help students seeking tutoring and to support our Peer Tutor program.
Virtual Tutoring will be available by appointment only. For students who are needing virtual tutoring, please contact Ms. Sell

Joe Pardun
RTI Coordinator
joe.pardun@d214.orgMaureen Sell
Tutor Coordinator