Student Records

  • All school records, including permanent and temporary records, are available for inspection and duplication by students and their parents. The parents/guardians of a student have the right to obtain copies of the student's records until the student reaches 18 years of age. At age 18, the student alone must give consent for the release of their school records. Student records fall into two categories: 

    • A student "permanent record" includes name, birth date, address, grades and grade level, parents' name and address, attendance records, academic transcript, honors, awards, and activities.
    • A student "temporary record" includes family background information, intelligence test scores, psychological evaluations, disciplinary evaluation, and other information relevant to the education of the students.

    "Directory information" includes the student's name, address, date and place of birth, activities, dates of attendance, awards received, and diploma received. Any parent or guardian who wishes such information not be made public should indicate this at the time of registration.

    Inspection of Student Records

    • The Assistant Principal for Student Services is the record custodian at the six high schools. (Directors at The Academy at Forest View and Vanguard)
    • Parents/guardians have the right to inspect, challenge and copy their child's records until the student attains 18 years of age.
    • All students have the right to inspect, copy, and release their permanent record.
    • Student records will be made available to parents/guardians or eligible students within fifteen (15) school days from the time a written request is received.
    • When parents/guardians or students inspect the records, a qualified staff member will be present to interpret the information contained in these records.
    • Copies of student records will be provided to eligible parents/guardians and students upon request. Cost not to exceed $.35 per page.
    • Non-custodial parents have the same rights as custodial parents unless specifically denied by a court order.

    Maintenance of Student Records

    • Student Permanent Records will be maintained for a period of sixty (60) years after the student has transferred, graduated, or permanently withdrawn from school.
    • The District will maintain the Student's Temporary Record for at least 5 years after the student has transferred, graduated, or permanently withdrawn from school.
    • The records custodian is responsible for maintaining and updating all Student Records.
